Has been struggling to string some words together recently, trying to create a cohesive sentence that will not only hold the interest of you dear readers. But myself too. Hopefully the topic of this present post will push me out of by ‘blog block’. Having discovered today’s featured person from merely surfing for posts regarding […]

Always search for people who not only fulfil your desire to expand your knowledge of historically inspired cosmetics but keep you coming back for more. That is one of the roles that my many muses bring to me. Yes many is via Instagram, but as long as the facts are based in. Well facts. Then […]

Wishing you wonderful people the best possible 2024. If the last 3 years have taught us anything it is to keep out expectations good and low!

Wishing everyone far and wide the merriest of Christmas’.

Like a shooting star, a blink of the eye. You pasted me by. Have I lost my chance? Or a mere detour? Such is the questions I find myself asking. After spotting a fetching cool toned red on the ever-fabulous Liz Goldwyn’s Instagram. Now to put into context, this was a post dated September 2022. […]

If there is one perfume that Guerlain will be forever remembered for most will agree that Shalimar wins that title. Yet there is another perfume that is almost a sequel, spin off of Shalimar. Not as well known as Shalimar but worthy of your consideration if you want an Eastern inspired scent. Samsara. Launched in […]

A passion for vintage fashion is light that never burns out. Always teaching us more always reminding us to look beyond the obvious and try new things (that being my own personal observation). So I must share the latest vintage couturier I have discovered. Lucile Manguin. Born on 13th November 1905 (her exact birth location […]

In the late 19th Century and early 20th Century. There was no actress bigger than Sarah Bernhardt. A superstar before the concept even accepted, Paris’ Bernhardt owned the cinema and theatre like no one else before. A businesswoman, theatre director and overall visionary who was also a trailblazer in breaking social norms of her day. […]

When searching for beauty inspiration, one area of influence is too often overlooked. Why do we only look to current ‘celebrities’ and only a handful of historic muses? Why not look to historians? Especially one of my favourite historian, Kate Lister. A Maestra of sexy historical pursuits, whose pout is often adorned with a red […]

Whilst vintage fashion is the primary focus where clothing is concerned. To imply that there is no one present who is creating worthwhile would be untrue, though admittedly I am not someone with their finger on the pulse of current designers. So when I do find someone who peaks my interest. I feel that it […]